Thursday, January 10, 2013

New Year, New Routine

Happy New Year everyone!  These last few weeks have been crazy for us.  Corbin finished up school on December 21st and we spent the next two days with his family before heading to New Jersey for the holidays.  It was so great to spend time with the Murawski's.  We surprised Nate and Cole at Cathy and Scott's house before continuing on to stay with my parents.  They were so excited to see us, especially Uncle Corbin.  We were able to see the boys several times while we were there and enjoyed every minute.  Watching them open Christmas presents was so much fun and we look forward to doing it again in the future.  We were also able to spend a lot of time with Patti and Ray and their adorable little guy.  We miss them all very much already.

In addition to spending time with family, we were also able to see some friends.  Corbin and I went to the Franklin Institute with my friend Elizabeth and her boyfriend and then went to dinner in Philly.  It was so nice to be able to spend time with her since she's my oldest friend.  Being in Michigan can be tough since my friends are so far away but every time we get together, we can just pick up where we left off. 

Although our vacation was nice, it had to come to an end.  We arrived back in Michigan on January 3rd and found ourselves busy right away.  One of my best friends from college came to visit the first weekend back because our friend Chelsea got engaged right before the holidays.  We had a great weekend full of dress shopping and wedding plans.  It was awesome to be able to catch up with some friends and spend the weekend together.  With the catching up came some lack of sleep, however, and I found myself with the flu on Sunday morning just in time for the start of my second semester of grad school.  After a few days of battling with it, getting asked to leave class for being sick, and missing a day of work, I'm starting to feel much better.  

Corbin and I are looking forward to getting back into a normal routine now that the semester has begun and we're both back at work.  We hope everyone enjoyed their holiday season and that spending time with family and friends brought as much happiness and joy to you as it did us!